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What are some funny memes?

Funny Memes: Keep Calm and Carry On, or Keep Calm and do whatever... Memes Happy New Year 2015! Conquer Your Dreams! Hell yea! To quote Captain America, "Thanks... I think." Me. Spock 2012 Seriously though, we need a Vulcan in The White House. Keep Calm and Vas Happenin ’ ? 1D Zayn Malik! One Direction

What exactly is a meme?

Here's a deeper look into what exactly a meme is, the different types of memes, and some meme examples. Some a meme sticks around a while because it represents something timeless that continually rings true for people, such as parenthood. Other memes are specific to a specific event or idea.

What is a lolcat meme?

LOLcats This classic meme plays on the internet's love of cats. Its format is simple: one or more cats, usually in some adorable situation, with overlaid text. The wording is intentionally poor English that now has its own name: lolspeak.

When was meme first used?

In fact, author Richard Dawkins first used the word in his 1976 work The Selfish Gene. The book looked at evolution and used meme to describe an idea or behavior that spreads across people in a culture. When someone says meme nowadays, they're probably referring to an internet meme.

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